Welcome to the third article in our top Windows 8 Desktop features series. In our previous post we were talking about Task Manager and Automatic Colour option. Today we will talk about something that’s not immediately obvious but to me as a Web designer is one of the most welcome interface changes in Windows 8 – updated default desigh of the HTML form elements.
Can’t remember how many times I have asked myself why especially radio buttons and checkboxes just look outdated in Windows 7 which resulted in the need of adding additional jQuery and CSS code in order to give them a more polished look. Luckiliy Microsoft addressed the issue with the new look for these elements Head on past the break for more details.
Probably most users won’t even notice this update but we definitely love the new clean and modern look of the radio buttons and checkboxes which in their default style will not spoil any modern looking website. Additionally all other form elements received a refresh as well with the form buttons, select, input, file boxes and scroll bars now all looking modern. See the below examples on how the default styling has been improved.