Apple joined the Intel Ivy Bridge party with releasing updated MacBooks today. Starting of with MacBook Air. Both 11 and 13 inch models have been updated with the latest Intel Core i5 and i7 processors. The new faster processors bring along faster integrated graphics as well in the form of Intel HD Graphics 4000. Other changes over last year’s models are up to 8GB of RAM and up to 512 GB SSD storage while rhe two USB ports have been updated to 3.0.

As with most Apple product launches the new models are available to order imminently from Apple store.

With pricing for the MacBook Air 11-Inch starting at £849 which will get you a 1.7 GHz Intel Core i5 processor, 4 GB DDR3 RAM and 64 GB SSD storage. If you want more storage the model with 128 GB SSD retails at £929. If you want that 8 GB DDR3 RAM upgrade you will have to shell out an extra £80, while an upgrade to a 2.0 GHz Intel Core i7 processor is an extra £130. Expanding the storage from 128 GB to 256 GB and 512 GB costs additional £240 and £640 respectively.

The 13-Inch MacBook Air starts at £999 which brings you a 1.8 GHz Intel Core i5 processor, 4 GB DDR3 RAM and 128 GB SSD storage while the model with 256 GB SSD storage will set you back for £1,249. The available upgrade options are 8 GB DDR3 RAM at £80, 2.0 GHz Intel Core i7 processors at £120 and 512 GB SSD storage will cost you an addtional £400.

MacBook Air 2012 (11 and 13 inch) photo gallery